Although my purpose as a teacher at the MTC is different from that of a school teacher, connections can be made. My desire to work alongside students has been fostered. Through experience, I have learned that working alongside is much more effective than giving a student all the answers. In my classroom, the culture will be one of discovery. This is to help in the process of understanding and learning. I'm not sure how to incorporate my culture of learning in regards to my perspectives on grades (refer to note below under A+), neither do I know whether it would be beneficial to my students or not. However, I plan to study and understand whether this would be effective for students and the cultures they come from.
I have incorporated in my culture the need for seclusion or alone time. I have become dependent on "silent time" for the processing of thoughts. If I maintain this idea or belief that I can only focus in moments of silence, I will not be effective at thinking on the spot during class time. I can almost guarantee that there will not be many moments (if any at all) of silence in the class time. I can work on coping strategies and accustom to settings similar to those of a classroom to avoid becoming a hindrance to the culture of the classroom. My ability to do this will also give me the correct perspective to work with children who have different habits and needs for their culture of learning.

Bicycle- As a representation of my transportation, a bicycle is my way of navigating the roads of the city. By seeing my bicycle, others on the road know how to respond. I wait to cross at the appropriate times and follow the lines on the street indicating where I can be. I have realized that Provo is busier than my home town. As a result, riding a bike in Provo requires me to be familiar with a language communicated through hand signals. By riding my bike, others can assume that I know the signaling necessary to communicate where I am going. (
A+ - This grade represents not only my responsibilities as a student, but also my desire to go against the social norm of fighting for an "A". From my perception, many students fight for the A and sacrifice true learning as a result. I have been one of those students. However, my perspective has changed through conversations with college professors. Now my educational culture is one of learning instead of good grades. The students in the BYU culture have created the idea that grades are factors that determine whether you are a good student or not. By not achieving the best grades, in this case an A, you may feel you are not good enough to be here or that others will think less of you. This is because of the BYU culture. I feel I am expected to maintain high "A" grades. (Image retrieved from (
Book - How to Win Friends and Influence People is a book I read which taught me the importance of focusing on others. Specifically, I learned from this book how to make others feel important. I expound on the principles taught as I learn others names and make it a goal to say hi to all I meet. Whether it's an individual I pass on my way to class or someone next to me in the grocery store check-out line, I have the opportunity to interact with many people and they have the right to feel important. (Image retrieved )
Round Table - In my religious culture, I participate in weekly counsels. These counsels are focused on helping individuals in our religious community. Ideas are discussed of how to be more effective in our duties which in turn will impact those within the LDS culture. I am expected to attend weekly meetings and must be informed on the language such as "calling", "Relief Society" "Elder's Quorum". As a ward counsel we also help establish and maintain the culture for our ward. (Image retrieved from
Stop Light - This represents the value of an individual in the community. On the corner of my street, a stoplight was recently put up. Many ideas have been presented as the reasoning behind the stoplight, one of them being the desire to protect pedestrians. Accidents have occurred at this intersection. As a pedestrian, my life along with those in my community is valued and efforts are made to protect citizens. I abide by the laws and follow the signals which tell me how I should act in relation to cars. Image retrieved from
FaceTime - Although I am many miles from my family, technology allows me to stay connected with the culture of my home. Weekly, I make FaceTime calls to my family. I enjoy sharing about my experiences, my beliefs and my social interactions with them.
As a daughter, I feel the need to include my parents in my life even though distance separates us. This bridges the gap of physical distance and allows the strengthening of family relations. Forgetting to FaceTime my parents one week may send the signal to my family that something was wrong. (Image retrieved from •
Dinner Date Table - As a single individual, I am given the opportunity to branch out among others in the community through dating. On dates, I understand that I am allowing another individual to get a glimpse of my culture. By going on a date, my date and I should both be aware of social boundaries as to what is acceptable: for example, it is expected that physical touch on the first dates is kept to a minimum.
Preach My Gospel - I work at the MTC as a teacher, preparing missionaries to go to places all over the world. Through teachings and principles learned in the religious community, I discover with the missionaries how they can be most effective in sharing our religious culture with different cultures all around the world. Not only am I familiar with the language of the LDS culture, I am also required to understand this language in Portuguese. If you are a teacher, it means you have served a mission for your church and have gained experiences in helping others learn the culture of the LDS faith. (Image retrieved from
Planner - In my planner are written my daily responsibilities: responsibilities to myself, my teachers, my community, and my friends. This planner helps me to be prepared to be in the right place at the right time through key words or phrases that will remind me of where I need to be, when I need to be there, and what I need to be doing. Failure to do so may result in complications not only for me, but for those around me or to whom I have responsibility. . (Image retrieved from
CTR ring - I have made promises to uphold religious principles and values. This ring reminds me to keep those promises, whether it be in actions or thoughts. Those in this religious culture understand that a CTR ring stands for "Choose the Right". We feel responsible because of promises we have made to avoid bad consequences by choosing a better choice. This ring is a reminder. My actions affect those around me. Therefore, I must not only think to protect myself spiritually, but protect those around me as well. (Image retrieved from
Manners Quote - Taught in my home was the importance of manners. With my daily participation in the community, this culture or respect developed in my home is instilled in the culture of society. I need to understand situations that are appropriate to use these manners so as not to let the feeling of kindess/gratitude/respect be diminished. (Image retrieved from
"No Talking" sign - Within the day, I need time to draw back and seclude myself. No roommates, no friends, no distractions. I need the time to think and focus on important decisions, school assignments, and ideas for further personal progression. I withdraw temporarily from the social systems. Though I would consider this a personal culture, my roommates and close friends would understand when it is appropriate to converse with me and when I need my own space. Body language is a greater communicator, so one must understand my body language to tell when I needed my own quiet time. (Image retrieved from
Running Number Bib - Activities or events are put on by the community to increase social interactions and provide means for much good to be done. As a runner, I enjoy participating in the races put on within the community. Although little social interaction occurs during the race, I support the community in its effort to be a benefactor (Image retrieved from
Gardening - With spare time, I participate in local service projects. They may not be as regular as I desire, but they provide me with the opportunity to branch out and reach others in the community who are in need. By volunteering my time, I am seen as a kind soul. Those also participating in service activities generally have pure motives as well to have more unity and care between one another. This brings smiles to service activities. It would be abnormal for someone to be angry and frowning while serving someone else. (Image retrieved from
Frisbee Game - I participate in intramural sports. These games allow me to apply teamwork skills and also give me the opportunity to participate in community activities. I know the rules of the game and act in sportsmanship. I am viewed as "athletic" by friends to whom I tell I play frisbee. They assume I am a fast runner, even though this may not be accurate. I have picked up on terms such as "cut ", "pull", and "handler" to know how to interact with teammates while playing. (Image retrieved from
Sidewalk Chalk - As a nanny/babysitter, I enter the home environment of a family. I am given the responsibility to act according to the culture of the family to maintain comfort for the children I take care of. Parents entrust me with their children which requires a higher level of maturity on my part. When I am interacting with the children, I must act with exaggerations, implementing my imagination in the activities I create for them.
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Boy and Girl Kissing - Similar to my image of the dinner date, this represents my beliefs and comfort as a heterosexual individual. I search for opportunities to get to know males, which is an important part of the current stage of life I find myself in. Also, this puts me in the majority group for sexual orientation. I am accepted and am never forced to feel ashamed because of this orientation. I also am included because of common religious belief being that Utah is predominately LDS. In the LDS culture, it is difficult for individuals to accept or agree with individuals who are not heterosexual. (Image retrieved from
Board Game - As a family, we have found that unity is created within our culture through time spent together. Board games is a common activity used to create these social interactions within the family. I have come to learn the strategies of interacting with my family in order to prevent arguments. For example, I know not to point out when my sister has lost a turn or to get too excited when I get something I need because this would only cause jealousy from my brother. I must be a peacemaker. (Image Retrieved from

I have realized that these cultural artifacts connect me to a variety of cultures. Before writing out my artifacts, I said that I need to be aware of my culture so I don't become a hindrance in the classroom. However, I am not beginning to see the need to understand the artifacts that are leading my students to act, belief, or think in certain ways. By understanding their artifacts, I feel I will have a greater understanding behind their actions which can lead to patience in helping them learn and progress in the classroom. This will help me avoid seeing students as a deficit.
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